So when I got up this morning my paver bed looked like this …
I went to the gym and on the way home picked up another 24 bags of sand. Going to the gym first was probably not the best plan. Of course there was no one around to help me load. I slowly plodded through loading knowing that when I got home I still had to carry it down the driveway, stairs and around the house!
Starting day two. This is about 3/4 of the way finished. Slow and steady… Remember each of those bags is 50 lbs of sand. It really adds up.
The 2×4 helps contain the sand as I pour, giving a clean edge.
LAST BAG! The 2×4 gives one side of the level something to rest on as I scree the sand even. There is kind of an art to floating the loose end of the level along without digging in, but still leveling things off.
FIRST PAVERS! This is an exciting moment. I bought these all the way back in MARCH when Lowes had them on special for “Spring Black Friday!
10 down … 110 to go… SIGH!
The end of the first day of paver laying (after finishing the sand in the morning) … 15 done … not TOO bad, just 105 to go!